All things me

By KatiePie


We both are. He's still poorly tho, mine's just down to cumulative lack of sleep this week.
I foolishly left the kids up till 8.30, mostly as it felt like the path of least resistance. They don't stop chuntering though. The whole time.
I swear I only heard about half of The Voice whilst they were up. Constant questions just when I could do with an hour or so of mindless zombie-ing in front of the telly.

We popped to the Food Festival in town earlier, wandered round the garden centre and then bought some minnows for my biOrb.
A movie, homemade pizza and a G&T rounded off the afternoon.
Must not forget to make the overnight dough for the weird raspberry and chocolate breakfast bread I'm going to make for breakfast tomorrow for Father's Day. I'll let you know how it turns out!

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