a town called E.

By Eej


The Beloved said: "If it's not raining tomorrow morning I'd like to take you somewhere before groceries."
It didn't, so he did. Armed with Deep Woods Bug Spray too :)
We walked a good 2k through a new-to-us nature preserve, and when we turned a corner, there they were. Three of my beloved Sandhill Cranes. They didn't let us get very close so I had to crop the living daylights out of this shot but it made me immensely happy - especially after two failed Crane hunts this week.

Then I bought a pair of jeans for $4 in a size smaller.
Then we got groceries.

Then I tried to explain how difficult social gatherings sometimes are for me because I'm not a very social animal and it takes so SO SO much out of me that sometimes I just can't do it. It's not that I don't like people, I do. I even love some of them, but sometimes I just can't cope. And it's very difficult to explain because most people I know love hanging out and talking and can do it for days on end, like the Beloved himself. I'm exhausted in 30 minutes and need days to recover.
The older I get the more I'm like my Pap. And how could that ever be a bad thing?

More rain today - and I wanted to do stuff outside :(

*you have to say it like you're Captain Kirk, or if you've seen the latest Star Trek movie, like Spock.

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