At home for the day. We had a team standup for an hour (obviously, nobody stands but I did try for a little while with my new desk: I quite like it). There was a meeting about the Campaign Hierarchy in the system: it’s being changed and, after yesterday’s discussion on the topic, I seem to have inherited the work to manage the transition from the old to the new without impacting our existing customers.
In the evening I went to my Tai Chi class. I think of this time of year as the worst for getting out of the house to do the class. Back in the ‘before times’ the class was on the way home from work so even stepping out into a cold, dark evening was filled with the promise of being home later. Now, of course, stepping out is leaving home and going to class. Not quite so appealing.
My class is near Waterloo station and the direct route is out the side entrance, down the steps and round to Lower Marsh. This little bit of road down the steps, in front of the Waterloo and City Line cranes, is always relatively empty. Today, there were cones out. I am not sure what they are working on. I think the fact that I took the photo in B&W says everything you need to know about how this time of year makes me feel.
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