Shady's back



And... Amazing news. He got his visa approved by the.american embassy . Not without an interrogation.  He didn't get into the 'visitor approvals' queue.   

He was put into the floor where people with criminal records and a history of abusing the system  He has neither. 

He was subject to two interrogations. Neither woman would tell him why he had been refused but one let slip that he had overstayed by 20 days

Bearing in mind firstly J caught COVID just before their first flight was due; and then as she was clear Boy got it 

Apparently that wasn't a good enough reason

She suggested Boy might want to live in America permanently.  He pointed out that he already had chances to get a visa and rejected them 

She couldn't understand why he wouldn't want to 

Of course he told her 

He was lucky she decided to approve 

We've still got to receive the passport.back.

Her last comment to him in response to if she had any idea when he might get the passport

..... Sigh..... I'm.not a courier 

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