
By NancyDrew

Drowned Rat

The Boy and his Mates went off on their bikes today up the Sand Hills x They seemed to be having a marvellous time and I received this fab image from him entitled 'I'm in Heaven' x

It would have taken them about 30 minutes on push bikes to get there...........they would have been there approximately 15 minutes ......when the heavens opened x

The rain was torrential.....with big hail thrown in for good measure, proper hurty rain hahaha!! Man and I watched it fall out from the comfort of the settee x

I got a call to let me know it's ok, they had built a shelter...........more rain followed xx

.......45 minutes later the doorbell rang....................

Hot Bath and warm towels on standby :) xx

Ordered another phone today.............god help us all ;) x

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