
By ChubbasMummy

BBQ, Cake and Alcohol

Had such a bad sleep last night, had problems with the neighbours dogs barking at ten to six only just as I got AR to sleep therefore wakening her again, so ended up with about two or three hours sleep before spending two very long hours on the radio.

Was meant to spend some of the rest of the day with Karen but ended up falling asleep with AR on the couch not long after I got in.

We slept for a good hour at least, then it was time to get ready for my friend Rachel's brother in law Martyn's birthday BBQ and drink, had a good time just a few hours to myself having a little drink. Was nice to catch up with some lovely friends, also chatted to Lindsay, another mummy I can chat to. This blip is a picture of Martyn's birthday cake which Lindsay made.

Now I'm home trying to settle my baby girl into bed so I can get some sleep to.

Night and Love xoxo

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