One Step Closer
The observation tower at the Kranichwoog is now standing. Not finished yet (it may take until spring because lack of needed materials - whatever).
I saw the (now standing) tower from the street going home Thursday and checked it out today. I wasn't the only one despite the weather.
It's more than clearly visible from the street und looks big and the closer I came the more suprised I was how big it is. Couldn't find a good spot to take a photo. One more in the extras.
It will attract many people. For roundabout 1.000.000,00 € one should expect that.
The second extra is the sky above the village when I walked towards the tower. Would have been my main blip any other day. There was a rainbow right above the tower visible from the distance, but the photo didn't come out ok.
19:45; 5°C
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