A Rose gift!
This little pink rose was a gift from my Bestie C given to me last night. Thank you C.
But the message today is as Ted says NEVER FORGET. All the brave men & women who have & still are giving their life so we may live in a world of peace. At the moment there are places in the world not doing so, but desperately want peace. PLEASE may it come SOON.Watching the moving tribute Festival of Rememberance on TV. It seems every year the list of lost life's get longer, I PRAY THIS WILL SOON END. Let there be peace.
I've been doing a little more craft ready for the Christmad Market, at church, in 2 weeks time. I'm not finding it easy , due to no feeling in my right hand fingers. However this is little compared with all the veteranen's have give for us, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
My Saturday hairdresser trip was successful then I popped into the Co Op for bread, then home for lunch , phone calls & a general tidy, like getting rid of unwanted papers!
Do hope you've all had a good Saturday.
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