Over Yonder

By Stoffel

Fuzzy Musket

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

We were having another quiet relaxing Sunday in the house today. Caro and I finished off the tv show "Dark Winds" and Caro enjoyed it so much I found a movie of it from 30 years ago.

It wasn't as good, but it got her over the withdrawal.

The "Dark Winds" movie featured a character called "Joe Musket" and this made me think of the phrase "fuzzy musket". This is a bizarre sexual practice that Auslaender told me about years ago*. 

But our relaxing Sunday was disturbed when we realised that Punky had ESCAPED out of our garden and stranded himself in our neighbour's garden where he was frozen in FEAR.

This is what he does. And it's why we try to keep him in. He just freezes and it makes it really hard to get him back. 

Long story short, after much cajoling and help from our neighbour, Caro eventually scruffed him and got him back home. But it took at least 30 minutes of farting about in bushes.

So for tonight at least, "Fuzzy Musket" is also Punky's nickname. 


* Caro LOVES phrases like this. You can file it alongside "Rusty Trombone" and "Monkey Face!" Feel free to look them up on UrbanDictionary. 

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