As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Capital Cities

Timmy is hardcore third wheeling.

For some reason, I can't sleep past 7:30. So I woke up then and decided to get some work done. Around 10:00, I went to get the vest for my tuxedo for prom, and then I went to the florist to get Isabella's corsage. After that, I went to Jess' so she could clean the pen she accidentally got on my car.

At 2:30, I drove Timmy to Demarco's house to drop off some movies he loaned to me. He has two beautiful dogs. Then we went to Hannah's to hang out with John, Chen, Erika, her boyfriend, and Matt. That was quite a party. I love Hanna Gallo.

Timmy and I stopped into CVS to pick up some new flip flops for me because Timmy broke mine. Then we chilled at his house for a little before I went home.

I ran three miles today for the first time in a few weeks. It was rough.

Tonight was Marissa's sweet sixteen. It was a great party in her backyard with DJ Van der Blotten pumping the tunes. I had a great time hanging out with my track friends. I can't wait until summer training.

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