Business end
A day off.
Starting the week with the business end of a set of bagpipes. My husband was handed a bag of bits by his sister recently, thought to be a set of bagpipes belonging to his father.. to his knowledge he doesn't think his father ever played them. Family stories suggested that they might be a set of Northumbrian pipes. After a little research he has found the patterns by the maker are held by a living bagpipe maker and after a visit to see him has discovered they were made in 1870 and are a three quarter sized set so perhaps made for a young piper. He is very excited to have them and has had a bag made for them.. today is the first experiment of how to cut the holes in the bag and fit the pipes to them securely and without leakage. normally the bag would come with precut holes but needless to say these are not a standard size so the holes would be too big!
It is nice that he enjoys a challenge and has a fun project to be getting on with... apparently he wants me to make a cover for them.
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