
By Henello

Gas Guy

We were finally able to get the agent to agree to sending an engineer after sending a series of photos proving we hadn't messed with anything.

We needed to go to the post office to get some things and got caught in torrential rain. Some roads actually got flooded. Of course, we got absolutely soaked.

We got a general email from the agent telling us gas checks will be conducted over the next couple of days. We initially couldn't tell if we had unintentionally caused a gas check on all the other tenants so assumed the gas engineer wouldn't come until tomorrow or Wednesday.

Well, a couple hours later we heard the doorbell. The gas engineer had arrived! He fixed the hot water issue quite quickly but really struggled to figure out the problem with the radiators. He managed to expel a lot of "gunk" from one of them but it turns out the system is horrendously clogged and he'll need to take the radiators out to get them properly unclogged.

He'll need to come back another day to finish the job but likely won't be able to until Friday. He needs the van to be right outside our door but there is a huge amount of cars here during the week, many of which are on the pavement.

He was here for a couple of hours, then left for the day. A few minutes after he left we heard a phone ring. It wasn't my phone, or R's phone, or the flat's phone. It was the engineer's phone, which he had accidentally left behind.

I was about to write an email to the agent to let them know, although I didn't think it was likely they could do much. Thankfully, he returned soon after and picked it up. I think he had a hard day!

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