Life on the Good Intent

By ClydeBorn


I didn't know crows like to wet their food! I knew raccoons do this. I often wondered why there was always food scraps in the water as I rinsed out the birds' water dish. Put it down to poor table manners!
This morning as I was watching the birds feed on the bread I had put out (need a trip to the pet store for more bird seed) I saw the crows scooping up beakfuls as usual. Then this one came over and deliberately put his bounty in the water and then picked it up carefully and flew off!
Spent the day looking out my camping gear and hoping my new tent would arrive - it did! so hopefully the next three nights will be in its spacious splendour rather than crouching in my wee tent!
I went to see AnnieBScotland this evening. I acted as blipper's assistant then as IT assistant dummie trying to set up facetime on her iPad so she can chat to Sally and Katie while they are in the US. Fingers crossed I got it right!
Blipping will depend on some very dodgy wifi down in Kintyre and commenting even more sparse than usual.

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