Mystery Amaryllis! !
Planted - - 29th December 2022
Care - - as directed
Dormant - - until June 2023
Care --- as directed continued , 1 shoot appeared , continued to grow like Jack & his Bean Stork ! THEN
July'23 - - another shoot appeared. From then until now you have what you see in the blip.
As can be seen there is 2 more small shoots ? Whether leaves OR ,?
The strong colour at the bottom of the leaves it the colour that the Amaryllis was supposed to be.
Queries - - it this bulb mixed up with female or male species.
Or is this a blind bulb.
Any advise gratefully received, I can't find any explanation.
Wet day, household chores & washing done.
Hard work as I'm far from100% hey ho, hope the morrow will be better.
Hope the weather hasn't curtailed what you wanted to do today.
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