Still 2/6?
Anybody younger than "us" is bound to think thus - "Two & six Pence? Why don't they say eight pence?"
I've one more half crown to go; which brings me to a VERY odd thought? How's this for inflation? To uses a phrase© by a departed work-mate of mine R I P Farmer) "Once up a time." we had a "Crown"; for many years after it was spendable it remained as a commemorative, probably see one, if I remember, on Thursday.
It had a value of 5/- as 1/4 of £1-0s-0d, with the 1/2 Crown 2/6 as 1/8 - BUT - with the advent of funnimoney it's nominal value changed from 25P(1/4 of £1.00) to a whole £5.00. I THAT ain't inflation please explain what it is?
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