
By intothehills

D is for (upper) Derwentwater

Plan A was scuppered by the sheer amount of rain Debi brought, our original chosen river section being deemed unsafe. 
Plan B, a couch and movies day, was never really a starter, I get far far too few opportunities to go out and play with dear old friends. 
Plan C (which was Dave's plan) was vetoed by me. "Let's go down the graphite mine" said Dave. "Won't it be flooded?" asked I. "Quite possibly" replied Dave. And just like that we were on to plan D.

In the end it was a gentle paddle in the rain down the upper Derwentwater from Grange and a circumnavigation of the Lake. Much hilarity as the water appears to have risen several feet and we could kayak through fields in every direction. Despite the rain there were moments of beauty (extra 1) and moments of realisation (extra 2, the Hundred Year Stone Sculpture).
Twas lovely to bump into NothingGetsLost (main blip) 

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