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By pplnani

Coal Tit

.......... looking perky on a grey day :-)

Actually, the weather brightened up a bit after lunch so I managed a nice walk along the lanes :-)

The dispensary at the doctors made a bit of a cock up with my repeat prescription - they stuck the printed out label which gave me dosage instructions for 5mg onto a pack of 10mg tablets ( I always have 5mg and the doctor hasn’t increased it ). It was lucky for them that I was vigilant and spotted the mistake before any harm was done .......... if they had sent that out to someone with dementia it could have made them quite unwell. The label even had two sets of initials written on it so it had been passed to a second person to authorise - and they clearly hadn’t checked it at all, just put their initials on it.
The more I thought about it the more concerned I was that it had been allowed to happen, so I’ve emailed the practice manager. I don’t normally complain about anything but I felt that he needed to know .......... I just hope nobody loses their job over it - they just need to up their game :-/

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