Nov 14

There has been a Western tanager hanging out at one of the local parks this week, it is a rare bird for here. I walked around yesterday afternoon and caught a glimpse of it, but no photo. I was back this afternoon, but didn't see it at all. I couldn't find the yellow breasted chat or the Swainson's thrush either. I will try again tomorrow morning.
I did see this blue jay, he was attacking the hydrangea blooms. There must have been some seedheads in there that he wanted.
We have one more morning to work but have to wait till the leaves fall of the tree before we can go there to rake the leaves. It might be the end of the month before we can get those leaves raked. The Norway maples are always the last trees to lose their leaves.
Tomorrow afternoon I have a ticket to go to the Broadway play 'Come From Away'. I couldn't find anyone who was willing to go with me, so I decided I would go by myself. A few people complained about the ticket prices (just under $100) but they also said they knew people who went to Toronto or to Ottawa to see it and the price was cheaper. Except when you factor in the cost of airfare and a hotel room, it really wasn't cheaper.

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