Life through my eyes

By Amanda_T

A welcome change

Something funny happened with the weather today. Chris, Mum's work friend who she used to meet on Monday's picked me up and we went to The Farmers Table at Tortworth for coffee. She was telling me about one of her granddaughters who Mum had helped with sewing had made a dress for her prom and she wanted to share the photo with Mum and then realised she couldn't.

This afternoon I had an informal interview and was accepted onto the NICE Public Involvement Panel. I have Beau this evening as I had two free cinema tickets with Sky movies and gave them to Jo and her friend who both need a night out, and haven't been to the cinema for decades. They're seeing the Leonardo DiCaprio film which will be interesting for other cinema goings having watched The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas with them last weekend. I'm interested to see if they last the full 3 hours and 26 minutes! 

Online meditation and then art class.

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