Orla & Conor

By OrlaConor

Reverse Engineer

Conor was off school again today with the clearing cough from his cold. But he said he was feeling better so able to do some educational activities. He actually suggested the activity on Roblox Studio - essentially reverse engineering the scripts from parts he could import that had some interesting functionality. He did it for rotation and kill brick. Then he made a rotating kill brick and duplicated it several times to create an obby. 

For dinner Dad roasted some potatoes and wrapped chicken breasts in foil  and Conor actually ate his chicken. Some of it at least. It’s worth another try as he hardly eats any protein at the moment (he had been eating meatballs and sausages but has gone off both for some reason).

Orla has decided to learn how to sew. She has watched a couple of videos and asked if there was anything she could have a go at stitching. Dad gave her the ripped pillow case to try to fix, and she did it!

Dad had been quoted £430 for trading in his old iPhone on Saturday but didn’t trade in then because he had a train ticket on my phone. Today he it was assessed as a trade in value of £0. The guy also implied that the £430 would have been revised to £0 on a double check. Dad said ok and was just going to live with it but there was someone right there next to Orla and Conor and Dad asked her for a trade in instead, not mentioning what had happened. And it came in at £430 again!

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