Yet More Buns

Finally I’ve finished the old Christmas pud, the last reincarnation being as cinnamon buns. They’re ‘well baked’ because I didn’t hear the timer go off but still taste pretty good to me.
This was a stress-relief project after another rubbish BT experience. A month after their first visit, a broadband engineer arrived to connect us to fibre only to tell me that he couldn’t do the job because our address is wrong in their system - exactly as reported to BT a month ago; exactly as corrected by BT within a couple of days … not! I emailed the guy that had done it ‘It was done when you called’ he replied. ‘Nope’ says I. ‘I can’t believe it’ says he (I could - I’ve been dealing with BT forever) ‘Leave it with me.’
Ho hum. Strange that they always manage to collect my money without a problem. And write to me at the correct address!
So that was that. Bun therapy helped.

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