
By JackyMT

New book from library

A lot of the stories are originally from some of the Herriot books but good to read over.
Those who watch All Creatures Great and Small or have read the Herriot books will be aware of Tricki Woo the little peke who it does tell you in this book lived to be quite elderly and the real Mrs Pumphrey lived to be 88. she was one of the few people who recognised herself in his books, he said he knew she  appreciated it because when he stopped writing about her she wrote to him saying "There's nuffin to larf at now"

One of those depressing days today, cold, dull, definitely not a day to inspire anyone. A walk this morning a bit later than usual Paula had a lie in and that was that. I made some oat biscuits and lunch and tea of course but not done much else.

Been thinking what I can get for the kids for Christmas. Seeing it's not that far away.

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