Weather Choice
Look one way and it’s sunny, the other….
We have had another fantastic day. We went to Ulva Island , an open sanctuary where native birds and plants live naturally in a protected environment, and yet we can see them. The tracks are very well formed and there are plenty of information boards.
A very large sea lion was blocking access on one of the tracks and gave some German tourists a huge fright when it roared out from behind a rock. They ran back the way the came and warned us. Fortunately, we could see its tail poking out from the rock, so safely did a big detour and didn’t have to retrace our steps.
We have just returned from another beautiful meal of Blue Cod- tonight cooked at the hotel. It was delicious- and served with fresh vegetables.
Once it is a bit darker- we will go looking for kiwi…I’ll let you know tomorrow if we spot any!
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