
By Farmerboab

And another one.....

Another day of cattle work. Once everything was fed,got Kev to give me a hand clipping the heifers that are going to the mart next week. Then sorted out the cull cows that are going too, putting new ear tags in the ones that had lost them. As well as having to have a cattle passport, they all have to have an ear tag in both lugs. And they are good at getting them caught in things and losing them. So more expense.
After lunch went next door and finished giving the hill heifers their pneumonia vaccine then hauled 4 loads home to the slatted shed here. Will try and get the rest over this weekend. Had to go back across and help wee brother calve this limousin cow. Thankfully this time it was a live calf.
A trip into town tonight to drop Littlemiss off at a pal's party. Junior and his pal are off to Dublin for the weekend. They were going to some gig,but seemingly it has been cancelled. No doubt they will drown their sorrows in Guinness! Oh to be young again ( not)

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