Over the Horizon

By overthehorizon

Grading day

Our work begins now. A whole stack of student projects and exams to grade. My least favorite part of teaching compounded by the distraction of a gorgeous sunny day. Big poofy white clouds standing still over the calm blue of the lake and a warm breeze. Most of our class sticking around over the weekend and spending the day down by the lake. Lounging in the sun, making occasional forays into the waters. Further down the way far from the maddening crowd, Katie and I grading papers in the sand.

My head throbs and my eyes seem to look through a misty veil out at the world. The damage done from the epic adventures of the night before and so I swim out into the lake and float on my back in the cold waters staring up at the clouds like a sea otter drifting on the tides, coming in refreshed for another round.

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