Ferniehurst Dell

Dinner went well last night despite me being in recovery mode, and I enjoyed a long lie in again this morning which I think has got me back on track.

Another lazy day today - it's been threatening rain all day but not yet materialised, so we went for a short local wander round a little place called Ferniehurst Dell. It's a 10 minute walk through some woods that emerges onto a wild flower meadow. A pleasant interlude :o)

I'm driving to London and back tomorrow, so it's going to be a long day with an early start, but I've got another camping trip to look forward to next weekend. Two nights in the hills around the Lake District :o)

Thanks for your wishes the past couple of days. I get my fair share of migraines but other people get them far worse. At least I can still function. And thank you for the feedback for Purple in the Rain :o)

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