
By AlrightFlower

The Prisoner...

... stared moodily off into the distance, contemplating his enforced incarceration and the small, concrete cell he would occupy until The Woman returned to put up the bail money...

Poor Charlie hehe. Dropped him off at the cattery this afternoon - it's actually quite a nice space he's got, with a bed and some shelves in case he's a climber and an outside space with a few bits and pieces. Not quite the freedom he's used to though! He slunk around the space for a couple of minutes, belly close to the floor and eyes wary, then spotted the biscuits and dived in headfirst - I though it safe to escape at that point.

Had a minor panic this afternoon, since I'm on a very early train and if I either miss the bus, or it blobs, I have no way of getting to the train station (also, I'm not entirely clear which bus stop it stops at, so I could be in plenty of time and still miss it!). And it seems that, in the sticks, you can't just ring up on a Sunday night to order a taxi! No-one answers the phone :-( Something else to strike off the "24 hour service" list! I've calmed down now though, you can park at the station so I guess I'd just have to leave the car there. I hope it's not one where you leave the ticket in the window though, I don't fancy all and sundry knowing it'll be there and empty until next Sunday! Fingers crossed for the bus eh!?

Right, must finish packing...


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