
By suzyq

Too much beer..

Tired n hella hungover we decided to take it easy and have a nice gentle wander of Prague city centre and sunbathed beside the National Museum that isn't in use anymore. Wee shame... its been neglected and with no money to repair it, has been closed. This blip is from the spot of sunbathing/beer recovery centre and shows typical architecture in the city. Each block is made up of lots of colourful and different buildings all joined together. Reminds me of Glasgow but on a fancier scale! Got caught in a thunder storm later n had to shelter in a Costa! The baristas weren't impressed that I used to work in one back home.. probably because this one was so much better with their beautiful cakes and cigarettes! Would never happen in Britain!
Cake for dinner and off to an open mic night with our new friends and even newer friend, Caroline! German lass with a brillo singing voice.. Scottish performers held the majority in the open mic but were put to shame by Tim - genius with an accordian who is playing in the Fringe this tear! Go see him!

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