Claire is away in...

...London Town so it's Daddy only weekend so that means a bit of Grandma and Grandpa time too ;)

They came with us to swimming as they've never been to see Orla in lessons before.

After that my Dad and I intended to get a bike ride in, while my mom had a few quality hours with Orla. It didn't go well, I had a puncture and the replacement tube had a faulty valve so it was a temporary fix to get me back. Unfortunately I crashed before I got back and hit a curb with full force on my upper arm. How I didn't seriously hurt myself I don't know but only have bruises luckily. My front end washed out on a glass like surface on the edge of a cycle lane. I managed to get my foot down but that too slid along before I hit the deck.

I decided to call it a day and not bother fixing my tube again while my dad went back out for an hour or so (he did get soaked though).

Mr Bo Hingles

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