alice's adventures

By aliceblips

Floppy dog's big day

This is Floppy Dog, he has belonged to Finlay since he was born. He used to go everywhere with Fin, always loyal by his side.

He's been out of reach on our roof for at least three years since a friend of Fin's threw him up there.

Yesterday I noticed an ear flopping over the guttering and I launched a rescue mission to end all rescue missions.

With a pair of long BBQ tongs and an outstretched arm I daringly leant out of a window and rescued him.

Then I gently placed him in the washing machine, followed by hanging his slightly mouldy little body out on the washing line, pegged by the ears, to dry.

Fin couldn't give a monkeys about him now but I think it's important to care about the small things in life.

Even if they're just mouldy stuffed animals.

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