
By MumOf4Wildlings


Well I've felt quite crummy all day. It's just a proper full on cold. Cycling was a struggle this morning and afternoon and the hill I normally cycle up didn't happen today. You have my feet because I walked it. The jedi hasn't coughed much so that's good and he had a good time at nursery.  The wildlings had a good day at school.  
I tried to cancel football for Xander as I don't want me or Carson to hang around outside for a hour and half but nana and grandad have said they will take him. They really can't say no to him. And they're reasoning is is that he has came on so well and they don't want him missing out. I've told Xander that they can't hang around in the cold so they will watch him go in and then leave. There is only a handful of parents that stay and watch. We will drive later and pick him up. I feel like just heading to bed when the wildlings do. We will see. 

All the jackets have now been washed from all the sand. My poor washing machine.  It goes through so much.  

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