
By KimberlyJenkins

"So Good"

Sleeping on a plane is impossible. I envy those people who can. My plane friend was a native German from near Freiburg somewhere. He works for BMW and was visiting Raleigh for work, so his english was great. Seeing how friendly he was had me imagining that everyone was this nice! After 500 games of solitaire (beat my high score, booyah), a showing of Identity Thief (hilarious), an overall 3 hours of sleep, and a muffin top for breakfast we were finally reaching our destination. I got off the plane, went through the long, angry, german line to get our passports checked, found the baggage claim area, and then saw Franzie! It was all extremely overwhelming and wonderful. Her family was so nice and welcoming and tall, and by tall I mean a good foot over my head kind of tall. At first when talking with them I almost felt as if I were making fun of speaking German, but it became real very quickly. I had hoped I would pick up on the language super quickly and be able to talk to everyone and laugh and joke and express myself fully. However, this dream was really quite unrealistic. I didn't understand 9/10 of what was going on. All of the cars are smaller, the outlets are circular, the food is strange, the houses are different (but beautiful), and everything is older (the good kind of older) .In a house full of super tall people, saying and doing things I didn't understand I might have well been a toddler. It was humbling and very intimidating. Right out of the airport we got on the Autobahn which was awesome. There should definitely be something like this in America, given that Americans can drive as good as the average German citizen. Anyways, we went back to the Kleinfeld household and got settled and then I was able to give them their gifts! I love gift giving and I hope they liked everything, because it was difficult to understand their reactions. Franzie was signed up to help with her school's Abiball, (which is a celebration dinner for their graduating students) so I was able to see the inner city of Marburg. It is BEAUTIFUL! There is a smaller castle overlooking the whole city and the university buildings are very old and picturesque. We were early getting to the Abiball, so we got ice cream and headed towards a park area in front of the river that runs through the city. Franzies schoolmates started to come up to us and talk to Franzie and I, unfortunately I didn't know what they were saying so I probably looked like an idiot...oh well. Ha. When we were helping with the Abiball I couldn't help but notice how much more attractive the German boys were compared to the American boys. I remember Franzie saying that in her visit to America, but I didn't believe her thinking that she was just used to German looking boys. She was right...thankfully. Ha. After the Abiball Franzie and I met up with her friend Miriam who actually lived in Philidelphia for three years before moving back to Germany. She seemed extremely nice and funny, but I couldn't understand anything at that point. Being that exhausted and overwhelmed I had no idea what was going on except for the fact that I was eating a chicken cheese enchilada and it was delicious. Franzie could tell I was exhausted so we went home and I went to bed.

Oh yeah, before going to bed I attempted to watch another episode of How I Met Your Mother and apparently Germany doesn't support the website....scheiza

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