
By Transitoire

Faire refaire une clé

To have a key cut (thanks Thomas!)

Today we have had new arrivals, and we said goodbye to Bill (hoping that there was nothing else wrong with any of the vans that we have missed). Skyping my parents for Father's Day and watching my Dad open his presents followed by a Skype with my favourite German, Laura, was most definitely the highlight of my day. I was so happy to see them both, and so glad I managed to fit that in. Catching up with Laura was one of the best things ever, I forgot just how similar we both are and it was so funny to see how much mayhem we've both managed to create! In the evening I went out on a bike ride, to take some photographs of course, but also because I felt really restless for some reason. Was nice to get out! Learnt rather a lot of French today for some reason too...must've been talking to everyone...

Words I have learnt today:-

­ Essorés -wrung out
­ Rincés - rinced
­ Achever - to end, successfully something that has been a long term work or goal, not to be confused with terminer which also means to end something.

Explanation (thanks Mathieu!): Et pour répondre à ta question sur les deux verbes, terminer, c'est lorsque tu finis une activité (que ce soit bien réussi ou raté)
Ex: j'ai terminé mon devoir de math

Alors que achever c'est aussi finir un travail mais c'est un gros travail qui t'as pris beaucoup de temps et qui est réussi
Ex: J'ai achevé mon mémoire

Mais terminer est beaucoup plus utilisé qu'achevé!

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