Inspired by ...

GG  took me through her Zoom talk on photography and creatvity yesterday afternoon - the range and quality of her images are absolutely  inspiring.  I've seen many of them before, but seeing her present them in the context of her thinking about photography makes for a very special presentation - maybe three presentations as she has so much content and so many relevant things to say.

One of the things she got me thinking about is `collections' of images that inspire us.  I use Pinterest to collect images that interest me and in the evening  I took myself back through a few months worth by making screen grabs and looking at the way my interest changed over the months.  I don't use it regularly, so add things from time to time.  I think I was concerned with mark making when I gathered these images but seeing them here is making me think how I could develop these ideas into a photography project.

What else did I do?
Fed the birds and watched the aggressive behaviour of the goldfinches for a while.
Got some logs in so they could dry some more next to my evening fire. 
Opened the bag of smokeless fuels that I've had since last year and found it wet and going a bit mouldy  - it did catch light OK though  (I think my coal man must be ill again).
Went to Aldi t buy some  more bags of smokeless fuel and called in at the log mans little garden centre to buy another bag of logs. 

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