
Mr S was woken by No 3 at 5 am this morning - she wanted him to open his Father's Day cards. It's a hard life being a dad !

Beautiful sunny day. No 1 was off to work at McD, the visitors and ourselves hit the beach at Aberdour. A busy day of lunch on the beach, blip bagging, and a trip to the Green Witch shop to stock up in essential witchy stuff (fairy dust for No3!)

On the way home we popped in for ice cream at McD and to embarrass No 1 (a mother's sole pleasure - embarrassing her children!).

Back home for a BBQ and settled down to watch 'The White Queen' - (I love a bit of bodice ripping !)

Here's a blip (taken by No 2) - on the beach at Aberdour (Inchcolm Island and Abbey behind us and the clouds over the Pentlands in the distance.

(Happy father's day big Jim ! xxx)

p.s. First blip for L and R is here

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