Life with The Pinks

By suzypink

Fathers Day

A day of highs and lows on Fathers Day this year. A happy start, the mini pinks made Daddy a trophy and filled it with sweets. We cooked him bacon, egg and mushroom rolls for breakfast.
We went to visit Mr Pinks dad after lunch, and wish him a happy Fathers Day.
And then to Castle Park for a play, to meet friends, and to have newborn cuddles with a baby Ewan. The mini pinks had lots of fun with friends, and I enjoyed the newborn snuggles.
Master Pink has been tired today - we think. But also possibly a bit of a "boy" surge. He's struggling to express his anger at us if we tell him off, and this evening it was horrid. He was angry at Mr Pink, and ended up hitting, kicking and pushing Daddy. It's completely not his character so we struggled with that one. You never stop learning as a parent hey!!

Thank you Mr Pink for being a loving Daddy even on a tough parenting day. And raising a mug of tea to my Dad, who I imagine is playing trains with the angels.

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