Gorgeous Day!

Another fabulous weather day! A skunk woke me up very early this morning - it must have sprayed fairly close to my back deck (where my bedroom is)...oh gosh it was awful and I couldn't get back to sleep. But perhaps it was fortunate because I noticed this amazing light coming through the curtains. I ran out to the deck in my robe and caught this amazing sunrise. It was gone 5 minutes later!

The women's golf league has started our winter golf season and the assistant pro who works with us is very creative in our games. It's a lot of fun since it's sort of mucky and we only play 9 holes. Today was "Queen of the Turkeys" - too complex to explain but all that matters is that I was not the queen, nor did I win any money. But I played really quite well and enjoyed the ladies I was playing with.

Took a nap this afternoon, thanks to the skunks and am now going out with  Mr. Weak Knees as theBroon calls him (or maybe that's the effect) for dinner. I'll get caught up tomorrow with you all. 

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