Planet man adventures

By rowanhagdorn


Die Kleine Hexe by Ottfried Preußler with illustrations by Winnie Gebhardt-Gayler. It's a children's book but the first book I have read in German. Witches fascinate me. I loved the idea of the witching hour when I was wee, I always imagined them flying around on their broomsticks. I love the Terry Pratchett witches in his stories. The persecution of ordinary people accused of witchcraft makes for grim listening. The BBC had a recent podcast series about witches which I enjoyed listening to when doing up the new flat. Scotland was terrible, Germany not much better. The campaign by Witches of Scotland is trying to get a pardon for all those accused of witchcraft in Scotland a memorial erected. They have an excellent podcast

Work was busy, my colleague is still off. I have to find an idea for advent calendars to make with the children. Although there is another person working with me he is less in the ball than my colleague so it feels like extra work. 

Took more things to the new flat. Realised the washing machine is barricaded into a corner, will need to empty some boxes so that it can be moved into place next week. 

Went to a meeting of the house organisation which deals with everything related to the flat, lights, cellers, main door keys. The last lot were voted out, a new one was voted in. We met some more of the neighbours. 

I am so looking forward to some days off. Don't care about trees, cards, cooking or presets just to have a day where there was no pressure to do something, fix something, help someone, clean something would be such a luxury. 

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