...or two or even more messy drawers! Every so often I do look through my messy drawers to see if there is anything I can get rid of, because we have been trying to declutter just lately. However, looking at the left hand drawer, I do use most of the things in there and in fact, in the right hand one too, although probably less frequently.
And can you tell me why, when you’ve got rid of something, the very next week you wonder where the said object is and when you realise you have given it to your favourite charity shop, you wish you still had it? Another of life’s mysteries, I guess.
Just been out to meet with some friends for coffee and had a lovely afternoon chatting - after Blipmeets, you can’t beat a good afternoon with friends!
It’s definitely getting colder, so as they say “winter draws on” - stay warm and cosy! M xx
P.S. Just looked at the theme for Wide Wednesday and today the theme is “colourful” so I think this qualifies!
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