Sue Foll's picture of the day

By POD2008

Comfort food

After yesterday's successful Radiotherapy session things went rapidly down hill. I got a call to say that both machines were broken again so today's session was cancelled.

I then had a British Telecom engineering appointment to fix my broken phone line. He was booked to arrive between 2pm and 4pm. Apart from one other occasion I have never experienced someone more determined not to fulfil his brief.

He called at around 3pm to say he was 7 minutes away. at 3.15pm BT confirmed he was coming. Then nothing, then nothing, then a couple of 'dead' phone calls from him (where he calls me so it's registered with his employer, but he doesn't speak). So now I have his number I call him back. He tells me there's no where to park so he's going home. I tell him there is, I am standing in front of three parking spaces. He argues with me. I text him a picture of the parking spaces. 

It's now 3.45pm. He turns up, parks then walks over to say it's the end of his booking period. I tell him it isn't 4pm yet, so he isn't. He argues with me again. I point at my watch.

I'm now shouting at him and telling him (and all my neighbours) about my cancer treatment.

Finally, sheepishly, he comes upstairs to look at my phone line. He's now scared of me as I sit across the table glowering at him as he gets his screwdriver out.

Half an hour later he tells me I've been cut off from the network and he doesn't know why.

I let him out.

Later I get a call from BT trying to book an appointment for Openreach. All there appointments coincide with my radiotherapy. I spend about an hour on hold as the Geordie bloke tries to sort it out. He fails but says he'll call back on Saturday (probably while I'm in the machine). I tell him to leave a message if he can't get through for that reason.

I need a friend face by this time, so I go next door to see Paula for a chat. She pours me a large glass of port.

I slept until mid-day today. Meanwhile my lovely builders finished the outside of the house and I had a food delivery. So it's not all bad. Good builders are a gift from heaven, as is a Waitrose delivery.

As for my phone and internet, the saga continues.

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