Jillian's Journal

By Daring2Go

There's No Such Thing as Bad Weather . . . . .

. . . . . . . only bad clothing, according to the Norwegians

It was a Wild Night, last night, good and proper. The wind howled, the rain bucketed down, and the sea roared. It's still raining, but maybe it's easing off a tad, but the sea is still very turbulent and angry.

My background includes a tiny portion of Scandinavian blood, of which I'm very proud :) I felt like I was arriving home when I first flew into Copenhagen. They all spoke to me in Danish, thinking I was one of them. I guess I must look it. I love the saying about 'only bad clothing' - I love getting rugged up and going out in bad weather. And a storm at sea - that brings a smile to my face too - and I've been in some bad ones.

Oh yes, the visit to the specialist. The recovery has all gone according to plan apparently, and the setback last week was entirely due to the stairs, not the exercises or me not taking it carefully. I'm now allowed to drive, and walk a little. Phew, such liberties could turn my head. There'll still be lots of having the leg up, methinks

Movement in the trees + rainy window!

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