A Dull Day

The astute amongst you will immediately spot the Cava Lodge on the spine of Cava.  Again this is a view from the porch - at 1.10 p.m.
Kippers,  weather vanes, salty sea dogs in all directions, weather cones, horizontal mackerel, nae kites, a fly-past of deckchairs, a non-tethered hoolie, an inflatable Michael Fish, ditto Bert Ford. My Aunty Cyclone called.  Let us spray.  CMC blown off her feet, thrashing bushes.  Wheelybins heading straight for Stavanger.  Whirling and burling.  Headwind, tailwind and crosswind in pure synchronicity.   Immeasurable knots. 
CMC gave me an update from local social media – the fish man should have come today but he indicated:  there was no fish, no boats, he was off sick and his van had broken down. 
Orlando Figes wasn’t available for comment.

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