Over Yonder

By Stoffel

THIS Guy...

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

It's hard to tell if there's one singular blackbird who has figured out how our kitchen works, or if there's a bunch of them. 

All blackbirds look the same, is what I'm trying to say*.

It's definitely a boy though. And as I've said before, whenever I go to the kitchen he hops up on the sill outside the kitchen window and BOOPS at me. 

"Boop," he says.

This morning I went to fetch my slippers so I could go outside. And he FOLLOWED me! He hopped over to the doors outside the living room window and BOOPED again. 

Then as I crossed back into the kitchen to fetch the bird biscuits** he FOLLOWED me again! He alighted on the sill outside the living room window and flapped impatiently. Then as I approached the back door he flew to the top of the sunshade and BOOPED as he watched the proceedings. 

He's smart. Is what I am trying to say. Unless it's him and a whole bunch of his brothers. There might be more than one of him.

Either way. He makes me smile several times a day.


* If Fazzy were here, she'd mutter "racist" under her breath and then laugh at my shocked face. 

** Cat biscuits. But for the birds.

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