
By Woolley

Back blip in town

Life got caught up yesterday so this is a back blip. Went up to see Richard yesterday but he had been sent to hospital because he is refusing his medication and not eating and drinking and climbing up and down the stairs all night! As I arrived another friend arrived, david, who brings him communion. What to do? David gave me a lift up to the hospital and having been in to reception found he was still an ambulance waiting.

Found out which ambulance and went to sit with him for a while. He was more talkative than he normally is and very much awake, grinding his teeth which sounded horrendous! I had texted his daughter who is obviously really worried about him and she used my phone to speak to Richard . His phone is not working at the moment as the demon has stopped it!

The home told us that they felt like he needed to go to a specialist care unit and not go back to them! It may be the start of a change in him which would be good! I left him and had to get back to town to go to choir practice. David had offered to give me a lift back which I very thankfully accepted! This picture was taken as I walked towards the mall which is lit by Christmas lights!

I got a message from Lydia, Richard’s daughter at 22.00 to say he was still in the ambulance but was next on the list to go straight to the medical assessment Unit to await a mental health assessment. Just the 12 hours in the ambulance!!

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