Mince Pies

I was up early and at my laptop to send a few emails before anyone else logged on.,  I also had to do the HR admin, following the interviews yesterday.  Once that was all done, I logged off and put my laptop away, and remembered that I needed to wake BB.
He headed out and I did a few chores and got myself ready.  I hung out some washing and dashed out to the pop up bakery for a few treats.  BB then appeared home, just as I was heading out to catch the bus to Edinburgh.  It was late, and I had left my phone at home, so was unable to let my friend know I would be late.  Thankfully she waited on me at our appointed meeting place and we then headed along George Street, admiring the Christmas decorations as we went,  to be ladies who lunch.
We had a really lovely catch-up over a tasty lunch and a nice bottle of wine.  We were meant to meet a couple of months ago, but I had had to cancel due to having covid.  M is very arty, and having taken early retirement, she is attending art classes.  She gifted me one of her works, which I had previously admires – which was a lovely surprise.  I need to get a frame for it.
We then said our goodbyes and went our separate ways.  I stopped off at M&S and picked up some food for TT and BB, as I knew I wouldn’t need any tea tonight.
When I got home , BB was at R’s – having taken her birthday gifts round.  She like them.  TT was playing football and came home with a pulled muscle.  I left them to fend for themselves.  I watched a bit of Monty Don, and some other TV and was very tired when I eventually went to bed.
I bought some mince pies at the bakery this morning – the first of the season.  I'm not ready to mention the C word yet though!

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