Man Hole

The worst thing that could happen has happened!!!  The AirCon has died!!!
 We had a sleepless night last night as we sweated through with just the fans on.
Mr DW decided this morning that he would get up on the roof and see if he could do anything to get it going again as we were heading for 39c. 
We live on the 3rd floor and by the time this was happening it was already very hot and there is a tin roof and the wind was gusting at around 40km!! EEEeeeek!!   
I held the ladder while he climbed up through the manhole!!! lol!!   
Needless to say it wasnt something simple so then we had to convince the air con guy to come over!  Fortunately he agreed and managed to get it going for now but there is still something wrong and the air flow has been affected!  He’ll be back tomorrow!  

The only good news is the heat wave has broken and we are going down to a very bearable 20c overnight and having a week of mid 20’s - such relief!!

I went to a lovely birthday party lunch and had a great time. Another one of the guys Julian lives with turned 50 and celebrations were definitely in order! : )

Mr DW managed to get some unusual sunburn while he was up on the roof. He had a cap on which had a rectangular slot at the back so he has a very neat rectangular burn on the back of his shaved head which does look quite humorous but I think its a bit sore ; 0.  Also one side of his neck is burnt as well, he was up there for two bouts of about 20 minutes each time, doesn't take long!

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