By greengirl


Once again, I have only taken one photo today and this was it - taken to add to the record of my walk on Strava. I like to include photos so that I can look back later on  and remember little details about my walk, not just the distance and time taken. Today's walk was just a quick one on the roads where we live - what I call the Stepford Loop. It's about 3.5 miles so about an hour if I don't dawdle.

I made a cake for tea (Banana and Cardamom slice, an old favourite) and put it in the oven while I got ready to go to an all-afternoon choir practice in Moniave. Picked up Jill and Ann in Dunscore and realised that the cake was till in the a quick detour back to the house! Fortunately, Agas are very forgiving  and all was fine :-)

A good choir practice - I am getting there with the words and also getting used to being a tenor and not singing the tune as I did when I was a soprano. Standing next to the basses today was a bit of a challenge, though.

Time for tea now, I think - the rest of the nut roast with some roasted sweet potato and sprouts, and cake to follow..

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