
By SomethingAwful

The Biggest Supermarket in the UK

This morning I went to Morrissons in Leamington with Francesca. It. Was. Amazing. They had everything. White aubergines, cakes galore, some weird fruit that they said was good for cocktails, which we took back to put in some Pimms and realised it was just a lychee...everything.

After a little wander we trekked back to Francescas (pretty tired), and I went home to get ready for her birthday barbecue! Which was lovely, great company, yummy veggie sausages, drinks and conversation.

Then off to Altoria where Thom and Sam joined us - pretty good night, except that the DJ kept cutting off songs just as the crowd were getting into them!

Went home, to get into bed, but a very very drunk Sam summoned me upstairs to Axel's room where everyone was hanging out, drinking tea made by Kasia. Tomorrow's picture might have to be of the boys' antics on Axel's bed... oo er...

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