My first picture

By ColinCampbell

Table mountaineering

Early this morning's activity was table mountaineering. After the pub last night we sat upstairs chewing the fat for a while before someone came up with the idea of doing some table mountaineering. If you're unfamiliar with it, it's a drunken activity where you try to go from the top of the table underneath it and back to the top again without touching the ground. We started off doing it cross-ways and a few of us managed it in the spirit of competition. When we tried to do it the hard way (lengthways) we were all hitting a brick wall. Funnily enough the whole exercise morphed into an ad-hoc team building exercise of everyone trying to figure out how to do it and help everyone else. Even was the only one who made it in the end - well done.

P.S. We're all black and blue today.

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