Wintry Sky

Lovely winter light this afternoon.  Our walk was later than planned and by the time we set out along the Dysynni, the sun had said it's goodbyes for the day.  It was still a lovely walk even if the path was often wet and somewhat muddy.   Just what Meg and I needed.

Earlier I had sorted a number of things on my to-do list, including talking to a GP who prescribed antibiotics which will hopefully clear up the sinus infection.  The car headlight that had blown while I was away at the weekend is now replaced and I finished off the building of two more small vases that I had begun last night.  After the walk I dropped into the pottery where it was great to see one of the folk who started at the same time as I did last year.  She's been busy and had not potted for a while but we are both attending a slip workshop on Saturday for which we need to have a couple of pieces at the leather hard stage ie half dried.   All will be explained in Saturday's blip hopefully.

Home again for tea which included knocking up some Celeriac and Mushroom soup.  Yum!

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